I have searched my mind in vain for a polite way to tell that reader to go to hell. 我白费心机的绞尽脑汁想找到一个礼貌的说法,但现在要告诉这位读者,让他见鬼去吧。
Researchers at the University of Liverpool found the prose of Shakespeare and Wordsworth and the like had a beneficial effect on the mind, providing a 'rocket-boost' to morale by catching the reader's attention and triggering moments of self-reflection. 利物浦大学的研究人员发现,莎士比亚和华兹华斯以及其他类似作家的作品对思维具有裨益,能够吸引读者的注意力,让读者自我反省,像火箭助推器一样提升人的精神状态。
Thesetechniques are used not for their own sake but to open up questions inthe mind of the reader regarding the nature of the poetic experience. 这些技术的使用而不是为了自己,而是开放的问题,考虑到读者的性质诗意经验。
But the entity wishes to answer those questions which will naturally arise in the mind of the reader, and many of the questions which are being asked by all people in the world today. 但此个体仍希望得到这些自然在读者脑袋里浮现出的问题的答案,当今世界的许多人都提出过此类问题。
Obama's mind reader has crashed his way through yet another deadline. 奥巴马的读心者又一次赶过了一个截稿期。
As if Ashley was a mind reader! 好像艾希礼会猜别人的心思似的。
It means the vivid and dramatic presentation of events so as to give them a forceful impact on the mind of the reader. 它意味着对事件进行生动且戏剧性的表述,由此对读者心理产生强大冲击。
Keep in mind that shorter fiction must "hit the ground running" and teach its reader promptly what to be alert for. 记住,短篇小说的故事进展必须非常紧凑,很快抓住读者的注意力。
Never mind that the rumors were in fact homegrown, or that what any reader really wants to know is not what isn't true ( a denial), but what is true. 然后就这么着了,不管这个流言是不是“自制”或者大家想知道的是不是真的(其实真实与否对于他们不重要)。
Nash also does not need sleight-of-hand tricks to get the ball to well-defended scorers. Instead, he is a mind reader. 纳什不需要任何花哨的控球技术就可以把球送到被紧紧盯防的球员,他用的是“读心术”。
You're not the only mind reader in the room. 你不是这个房间里唯一一个能看透他人心思的人。
You're a mind reader. 你是个会读心术的人。
Look at your friends and family and see if you are a mind reader. 留意你的朋友和家人,看看你是否是一个善解人意的观察者。
Not much of a mind reader, are you? 你不怎么通灵,是不是?
Reading like this opens up the mind and leads the reader to a whole new world. 像这样的阅读方式能开拓心胸,并且带领读者进入一个崭新世界。
You should've told me before. I'm not a mind reader. 你不早说,我又不会心电感应。
In the translation process, the translator is expected to bear in mind the intended function of the target text and produce a version that is comprehensible and acceptable to the target reader. 译者应牢记目标文本的目的功能并能翻译出目标语读者能理解接受的文本。
Good writers present its meaning mind through personalized feel. Third, by using the theory of narrative, prototype criticism and reception aesthetics to do research on narrative point of view, narrative sequence, narrative space, the implied author and implied reader of homecoming fiction. 再次,运用叙事学、原型批评学、接受美学的相关理论,对韩国现代归乡小说的叙事视角、叙事时序、叙事空间、隐含作者与隐含读者进行了研究。